27 October 2011

Rail traffic sez no recession.....again

Rail Traffic strong again this week. Back above 700K units with Canadian RRs CN and CP doing the best. Here are the Tableau vizs from our railfax.transmatch.com report. http://public.tableausoftware.com/views/NewRailshare/PctGroups?:embed=yes&:toolbar=yes&:tabs=yes

Blue Bombers from Europe

Guess who owns AVP? Allez au diable.

20 October 2011

Rail Traffic continues to show strength

esp. coal and grain for a change. and autos. Here are the railfax vizs. or go to railfax.transmatch.com

19 October 2011

Famous Funds Flounder

Sector Bets

Name Bets

Results since July 1 - Oct. 18 for 2Q11 13f filings. Of course someone had to sell these stocks and it was likely the hedge funds who owned them. As 3Q trickles in we'll do this again.

Winners and Losers

17 October 2011

Croxsters crushed

You can see who stayed on the Crox train when they should have got off

Losers Mostly

Would you like see how this is done? You can make visualizations like these for individual stocks, sectors and money managers with EzViz Portfolio. Download a one-month trial here.http://www.ezviz.biz/ezviz_trial.html

07 October 2011

Lots more losers

It would appear the ticker S may becoming available sooner rather than later. Banks down on Europe. This is getting tiring. Stressful.

Safe stocks rebound and ILMN was instrumental

ILMN not on this list but the damage to the other instrument companies is intense

Lows > Highs

Illumina turned off the lights

ILMN's big owners...some had sold before today. Apparently even more got out this morning on the

04 October 2011

Massive Attack by the Blues at the close.

These are nice PNGs showing what happened in the market today. If you were a beta tester of our EzViz Portfolio platform you could have seen these pretty pictures ticking away on your screen in real time. And you could have put up your own portfolio. And you could have researched the big losers and later winners of the day from our 13f files. Want to beta test our visualization platform. Send us an email!

Utes dragging the market....that's a first

well not a first maybe a fourth or fifth as that's usually the sleepy corner.

Mediscared? If you owned these names you shd be.

GTIV and AMED down big today on top of these losses since 2Q

If you specialize in healthcare stocks do you sell out earlier? After all you are the experts.

These funds are going to have some explaining to do.