I am sure there is a good explanation for buying all the REITs but this blog is not about explanations; it's simply about showing you what we (and you) can do with the numbers in Financial Research Station. Behind the scenes we have REALLY jazzed up the 13f data base so we can tell you what all the hedge funds bought and sold in 3Q as well as focusing on each managers performance in Q3 and October. And because it's automated we can pull up a graphic report for any of 3000 managers in about 2 seconds. More to show later this week.
Also we've hooked streaming prices to our models so you can see charts like we have above ticking away during the day. Also we can add risk and valuation factors from Ford and Mergent to give some larger perspective to what's driving the market.
Which today was risk. High beta and low quality thy name is REIT.
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