iRailfax Report: "iRailfax
Atlantic Systems Inc. (ASI) has been providing detailed rail carloading data to analysts on Wall Street since 1986. Our Railshare database gives our clients a complete history of rail traffic for each US, Canadian and Mexican carrier. Rail carloadings are an excellent predictor of earnings. However many analysts, investors and economists are only interested in the total industry perspective. Without question, rail carloading data is the fastest, most frequent, most accurate and most comprehensive indicator of general economic activity. Furthermore the specific commodity detail provides an excellent barometer of the health of key industries that rely on rail transportation e.g. auto, chemicals, construction and imports of consumer goods.
To satisfy the needs of analysts who just want the 'Big Picture', ASI is now offering the iRailfax database. iRailfax contains weekly carloadings for each commodity reported by the Association of American Railroads. iRailfax contains weekly carloading data beginning with the first week of 1995 in an easy to analyze XLS file. An annual subscription will keep the database current with weekly updates containing the newly released data.
Interested? Please give us a call at (347) 293-1776 or
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to discuss how we can help you better understand the economy and markets.
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iRailfax Sample List
Here's what you will get with our iRailfax service.
* All North American rail traffic
* 1995-2009
* 21 commodity groups
* Weekly updates on Thursday for week ending preceding Saturday
* XLS spreadsheet with data for each week to the first week of the preceding
* year to incorporate changes and revisions from prior year.
* US/Canadian/Mexican RRs segregated : $895/yr
* Historical Data (US only) 1985-1995: $295/one-time
Copyright © 1986-2009 ASI/Transmatch. All rights reserved."