17 November 2009

13f Owners on Tableau Server

We've been analyzing the 13f filings for 3Q from J3SG.com and fordequity.com. It's a slow process because they have to load ALL the 13fs in their data base which in turn is published once a week. They can't zero in on George Soros or Greenlight. In fact, most of the filings from the hottest funds aren't yet in their data base. They do have 25-35% of all the filings in their data base. That's more than enough of a sample to provide a global view of what money managers did in 3Q.

The reporting money managers had a combined $1.7T in equities at the end of Q3. Combined their portfolios increased by 17% with (about) a 12% gain from price increases and 5% from new share purchases. I have to emphasize the word "about" as our calculations are approximate. But they make sense. We then reduced the universe to just those stocks with at least $1B in institutional ownership. The big boys comprised $1.2T in equities with total gains of 15.5% (12% unrealized capital gains and 3.2% from new purchases.) The largest stocks didn't seem to attract as much new buyer interest as the smaller caps.

You can in the charts that the most owned stocks were (yawn) XOM, MSFT, JPM, JNJ and GE. However!! the big gainers were GE, JPM, AAPL, CSCO and BAC. No surprise that most of those gains came from price appreciation for buy and holders. But (and here is what I think is newsy) several names had huge new share purchases including C, VFC, CTL, WYNN, GRMN. We heard about Paulson buying C yesterday. He's not in our data base so apparently he was not the only one loading up on C in Q3.

OK here's the REALLY COOL THING YOU HAVE TO TRY. We've loaded a view of our 13f report on a Tableau Server. Copy paste this address into your browser.


You'll need to sign in with ford_demo and dow2009 as user and password. Then you can see the changes in institutional ownership for all stocks with at least $1B in ownership. You can sort and resort for different columns. If you are having any difficulty please email us at acr@transmatch.com.

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